Top 10 Most Anticipated Game Of 2025


Snake Eater it’ll be our friend the American Defector finally Konami has started to get on the Remake train this began with Silent Hill 2 in 2024 which defied expectations to be one of the year’s best releases and is set to continue with a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 it’s been years since we’ve had a Mainline metal gear game thanks to Konami partying ways with Hado kajima to put it lightly but with a beloved template to

work from we’re sure that Delta will prove to be massively popular if you didn’t play the original this one follows naked snake as he sent deep into Soviet territory to extract a valuable rocket scientist and of course a at the latest Metal Gear that the USSR has built are we taking him with us no this one is still just a Child 


on the beach hey brother did you miss me while Konami is trying to capitalize on kojima’s enduring popularity Kojima himself is releasing the sequel to 2019s death stranding in 2025 to subtitled on the beach Norman Reus will return as s Porter Bridges and the game will supposedly examine the pandemic according to to Kojima we’re sure that it’ll be even weirder than the original game now that we’ve already been introduced to the bizarre world of BTS BBS and Monster Energy drink and the 9-minute trailer did not disappoint it was extremely strange in ways only coima can dream of featuring robot dogs a guitar gun and a talking gal Del Toro puppet so far Sam the man in the dark about everything


their memories their dreams they love for each other heading to all major platforms sometime next year is this turn-based RPG from sandfall interactive a new and unproven Studio hoping to make its name with this ambitious title the RPG is set in Bok France and follows a group of wouldbe Heroes as they try to take down a

goddess The paintress Who annually wipes out everyone of a certain age from existence one day she’ll reach zero and everyone will be dead though it’s turn-based the combat also features Dodge and Parry mechanics making it look to us like if from software decided to make a turn-based RPG that bodess very well indeed and we can’t wait to see exactly how the game turns out damn May what was that it felt familiar somehow. 


okay let’s do it a reboot of the Beloved Fable franchise is slated to drop on PC and Xbox in 2025 and yes it’ll be landing on Game Pass day one Fable is another once huge Xbox IP that has been left to languish for years and we’re very excited to finally get our hands on a new one developed by playground and running on his proprietary forch engine we sure of one thing the game will look phenomenal with best in a generation Graphics we don’t know about the plot but we have seen and heard a lot of popular British comedians in the trailers it’s been in development for at least 7 years though and was announced in 2020 will it be the reboot Fable deserves we hope so Humphrey


Ages it will have been five long years since the launch of doometernal at the beginning of the pandemic and it software is finally back to give us another installment of top tier FPS gameplay while Doom Eternal moved the story along and brought things down to earth the Dark Ages is a prequel following the Dooms Slayer rise to demon slaying hell defeating Glory the Dark Ages won’t be confined to PC and Xbox and will be landing on PS5 2 it’s also going to lean into more fantasy elements with a pseudo medieval setting in contrast with the higher level sci-fi of the other games hence


people don’t like you very much do they finally it’s time for a game with a concrete release date February 18th avow is the next game from obsidian and is a first person arpg set in the universe of pillars of Eternity considering the Elder Scroll 6 is probably still a decade away at this point AOW is the next best thing and could potentially be an Elder Scrolls killer if obsidian’s glowing track record is anything to go by it was originally slated to release in late 2024 but was delayed to avoid competing with other big games only for many of those games to be delayed too but avowed will be a great way to introduce new players to the rich lore of pillars of Eternity he is wrong.


they’re starting without us just look at that fire brand go always a popular series monster hunter is returning in 2025 this time it’s going to be launching across PC Xbox and PS5 first as opposed to rise’s Nintendo switch launch dropping on February 28th we’re sure it’ll prove to be a big hit from Capcom it’s going to be yet another visual Masterpiece from the series sure to push the limits of what the current

console generation can do recent

trailers have shown off one of the most

bizarre Monsters the franchise has yet

produced the black flame a giant

octopus-like creature that breathes fire

and is covered with oil my word is this

a laa Bina Flor.


Beyond is the weight finally over Metroid Prime 3 released all the way back in 2007 and after restarting development it looks like Metroid Prime 4 is finally going to drop on switch in 2025 it’s yet another game with no concrete release date but Nintendo has given it a year which must mean the

company is confident enough that it’ll come out within 12 months it’s also

still announced for the Nintendo switch

which could suggest it’ll come out earlier in the year before the switch 2 but unlike some other big Nintendo games slated for next year we have seen gameplay and it looks fantastic even on a 7-year-old



butyou you are hunting coming 5 years after the release of ghost of susima Sucker Punch’s follow-up is sure to be a system seller for the PS5 Pro yoai will be moving the series to the 17th century and the

northern island of haido and it’ll follow a character called atsu as she takes on the mantle of the ghost following in Jin sakai’s footsteps we’re extremely excited to get to go to haido in an open world game like this and those sushima is a tough act to follow

yoai so far looks extremely promising it

has no release date but we’d be surprised to see a delay out of 2025 the original game came out in summer so perhaps yoai will be another midyear release before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions Pokemon Legends Za the followup to Pokemon Legends archus is dropping on

switch next year sidm civilization 7 we’ll be taking over the world all over again on February 11th study the past if you would Define the future Judas Ken lavine’s next

Bioshock like is slated to release by

March at the latest nothing you are the

frog in a pot boiling so slowly you don’t even know what’s happening before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you’re on your phone make sure to go into your settings and switch on notifications.


seea do you know why you’re here bad luck I guess even though it will have been 12 years since the last GTA game it’s still hard to believe that GTA 6 might finally be landing on consoles in 2012 though we wouldn’t be surprised to see it hit with a delay the long development period is believed to be thanks to Rockstar taking the bolt step to try and eliminate crunch from its Studios after the 2018 Scandal ahead of Red Dead 2’s launch we’re going back to Vice City and the state of leonida in what’s sure to be a sprawling highlydetailed map we’d be surprised to hearof a single gamer out there who isn’tplanning to play GTA 6 as soon ashumanly possible well look who’s backlet us know which games are already on your wish list don’t ask ask me we’venever met face to face they value their privacy did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to benotified about our.

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