so you’re probably hearing this phase about a dozen times a day AI is on the move and many people are having to catch up and try and work out whether they can use AI in their daily routine now today I’ve put together five AI productivity apps that I think are going to help you boost your productivity in 2025 so let’s dive into the list so the first one is scribe and this is a very interesting tool if your team or you want to create a guide now Sops are incredibly popular for teams to pull together and get an idea of a process system or even an explanation and guid
and Scribe is a helpful way to do that and uses AI to help formulate all of the knowledge that you’ve put together in a video it will turn that video into a productive guide for you to consume and many people are looking at these sort of things to save a lot of time I don’t really like these sort of note-taking apps necessarily they just produce generative AI abilities the actual benefit is when it comes into a system or process and I think that’s what scribe has done very well here other apps are similar like it are Loom or also doing something fairly similar app number
two is Granola Yes you heard it right this one is called granola and there are lots of different apps with food names these days we actually created one called Bento so I’m part of the problem but granola is an interesting one if you want to record meetings there are loads of these meeting recording tools if you’re interested in any of those we’ve done a full video on that but this one is I guess slightly different because it works in in the background it connects with all the popular services and what’s nice about it as well is you can take those notes offline edit

thing and reading them which is quite helpful some of the other ones don’t because they’re primarily web- based this one has its own app which is good so an interesting option if you’re looking to take meeting notes and they now have individual and business pricing too so if you’re an individual wants to use it lots then you can have it in the background and help you on Mac at least to manage those so before we dive into the next one our video today is sponsored by Aki flow if you’re interested in Saving Time consolidating tools and getting things done then it’s worth checking out
Aki flow they’ve got a way to bring in tasks from other apps a calendar and task management and more recently new AI features that can help you get the job done you’ll find it linked below thanks to akie flow for sponsoring this video so next one on my list is one called Relay now this one isn’t an AI specific one but it’s an automation software and similar to zapia and other applications on the market essentially what it does is it basically takes a process that you’re existing that you’re doing right now and you may have heard of a term called AI agents
well this is probably be one of the tools that actually moves first in helping you to create a workflow of a process you do already connect up the apps and then essentially do things for you in the background well relay right now has got some AI features in it which allows you to essentially start doing micro things for you and using generative AI for that so for example it could take a document from Google Docs and convert it summarize it and then send it via email to you once it’s finished so those micro actions are going to be pretty powerful in the
next year so relay an interesting option and it’s very attractive to use as well so number four is one that you may have heard of it’s called Google NotebookLM now this is an incredibly popular one and it’s got even better they’ve redesigned it they’ve introduced more powerful premium and they’ve also introduced something called join where in inside of a podcast it creates a podcast for you basically from all of your notes inside of the podcast you can now join it and ask the AI host questions which is terrifying and works incredibly well I’ve played around with it and it
does a pretty good job so it’s well worth it if you’re a student you have a combination of notes or even if you’re a team looking to consolidate knowledge and you want that different perspective with AI that’s going to be a pretty decent option finally on our list number five is one that’s been around for some time and it’s been acquired by Dropbox this one’s called ReclaimAi and it’s a tool that helps you to add your calendar and your tasks and priorities and essentially help balance your calendar and tasks and priorities using AI so find the best times use Smart Suggestions and

pull things together it’s more designed for teams to find the right suitable location for a meeting not location but time for a meeting one to ones as well as meeting others that are external to your calendar and also planning your priorities not tasks your priorities which is a good approach to have so those are just a few of the many AI tools that you probably explored already honestly as somebody who categorizes tools and software and puts them into a database for most of my day it is mad how many tools are coming out anyway to say the least the best place to
Find them is a tool. Cod they we got a whole AI section that’s going to help you to find the best one and I’m sure for your work whether you’re starting a new job this year or you’re somebody that just wants to get a head and understand how AI works for your job then well worth checking out anyway guys thank you so much for stopping by do like because the like of this video And subscribe means that more people will find it so we’d really appreciate that if you do and do comment below and
of course if you’re not subscribed I’m sure you will love to have you anyway folks I will see you in a future video and I will say Cheerio for now and hopefully you rock AI in 2025.
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