hey guys in today’s video I’m going to show you how you can earn ,1000$ a month by selling your designs online now you might be wondering is it really possible to make money from selling designs the answer is absolutely yes and today I’m going to break it all down for you by the end of this video you’ll have your own online store where you can sell your designs on a variety of products from t-shirts to hats and so much more the best part you won’t have to worry about printing inventory or shipping
everything will be handled for you all you need to do is just create cre and uploaded designs to this amazing website that I’ll introduce to you and here’s how it works once your store is live customers can find your products by searching for a type of product that they’re interested in and if your product matches their search criteria it can appear in their search results customers can also directly search for your store if they know your store’s name they’ll be able to browse through all your designs select their favorite
and customize it after adding a product to their card customers can review all the details including shipping charges before proceeding to the check out and here’s the exact in part every time a purchase is made you get paid this website handles everything and sends you the commission directly it’s that straightforward this means every sale brings you closer to earning a passive income and once your store is up and running there’s no stopping you even better you don’t need any prior experience with website design or
marketing this platform takes care of everything so you can focus solely on your designs so watch till the end of the video because I’m about to reveal you the website that could turn your creative passion into a profitable Venture by following these steps you can be on your way to making $1,000 a month or even more so I’m brand from website Learners and let’s get [Music] started to start selling your designs online we’re going to do two parts the first part is to create t-shirt designs if you’re already good at designing feel
Red Bubble
free to skip to the second part but if you’re new to this or not sure where to start don’t worry I’ll show you how to create stunning designs quickly and easily so to create t-shirt designs we are going to do two steps the first step is to generate the prompts for the T-shirt design instead of brainstorming ideas for us we’re going to use an AI tool that will help us generate creative prompts for t-shirt designs in just seconds to use this tool just click the link below the video and it’ll take you.
to this page to generate the proms we need to answer a few questions start by selecting how many ideas you need I’m going to select 10 now if you have a specific design idea or a brand name that you want to include you can enter that here I’m going to type music and click create content as you can see it has started generating the design promps and now we can use these prompts to generate the design images okay now we have our design prompts ready let’s move to the Second Step which is to create the T-shirt
to create the T-shirt design just click the link in the description and it’ll take you to leon. now this is the tool that will help us create the T-shirt design just click on get started and sign up using your Google account now enter your username click next and you will reach this page to generate an image click on image creation and here you need to paste the prompt that you generated from Gravity right so let’s go back to gravity WR copy The Prompt and paste it here now before generating the image let’s
just adjust the aspect ratio to match the T-shirt design to do that click more and set the aspect ratio to be 4 is to 3 and click generate now you will get four different versions of the design pick the one you like and open it since we are using the design for a t-shirt we need to remove the background so to do that just click the background removal icon and the background will be removed you can download it by clicking here in the same way you can create as many designs as you want and then download them okay so now you know how
to get different t-shirt designs and if you want to get design ideas for free you can use CH GPT let me show you how I’ve given a prompt in the description below that you can use in chat GPT to get amazing design ideas all right now that your design images are ready let’s move on to the second part of the video where we’ll see how to sell these designs online now we’re going to use use an online platform for this and it’s a popular Marketplace created for artists designers and creators here’s how it works you upload your artwork and
choose from a wide range of products like t-shirts hoodies phone cases and posters the best part the platform handles everything for you this includes printing packaging and shipping of the products you just need to upload your design and when someone buys it you earn a commission and it’s also free to use to sell our designs online we are going to do four steps and the first step is to create an account on red bubble this is the platform that will help us create and sell our products to create an
account just click on the link in the description below and you’ll reach the red bubble website once you’re on the homepage click on sign up now select the artist sign up option next fill in your details enter your email address choose a unique shop name and set a password for your account once you’ve done that click sign up and you have successfully created an account on red bubble now that you’ve created an account let’s go to the Second Step which is to create new products to do that go to the create
product section and click on ADD designs now click on upload new work and select the design you’ve made once you upload it your design will start processing after a moment you’ll see a preview of your design on several different products so you can choose which products you want to feature your design on if you want to sell your design on multiple products you can easily enable them for instance if you want to design on standard print clothing just enable this button you can do the same with other
products for example I’ll also enable large print clothing now if you want to change how the design looks on each of these products just click on edit and once you do that you’ll see different options to customize your product like changing the style color size and more I’m going to adjust the size of the design on this t-shirt to do this simply use a slider to resize the image like this plus you can reposition the design wherever you want by dragging it around if you notice your design looks small and misaligned don’t worry
red bubble has a guide to help us adjust the image properly so just click on this link just scroll down click on apparel here and you’ll see an image size chart for different products since we selected the men’s graphic t-shirt you’ll see the required size for the men’s graphic t-shirt now you can use this gr to adjust the size of your design so it fits perfectly on the T-shirt but our design is small and if we try to resize it the design is getting pixelated which is not good so we need to improve the
quality of the design first so to do that just click the link in the description below and you’ll reach this website called upscale now click here to download the software and choose your preferred operating system now here just drag and drop the design we generated click on this option now click on upscale and there you go our design has been successfully upscaled and if you click and drag the slider you can notice the difference in the quality of the design finally just click here to download the
image okay we have successfully improved the quality of our design but this upscale design is still not right for our t-shirt we still have to resize it to match the required measurements so to do that click on the link in the description below and it’ll take you to this website called resize pixel with this tool you can easily resize your design without losing any quality select the design you want to resize and your design will be uploaded first uncheck the loog aspect ratio box and then adjust the width and the
height to match the required size of your T-shirt then enter the measurements provided by the red bubble size guide once you’re done click resize and just a few seconds your design will be resized and then click download image once you got the resized image let’s go back to red bubble and replace the old image to do that simply click on the replace image option upload the image you just downloaded and your image will be replaced now scroll down and as you can see the image has been successfully

updated on the T-shirt you can now adjust the size and then change the position of the design if needed once that’s done let’s start customizing our product to change the style of the product click on this drop down and select the style you want I’m going to choose hoodie as you can see our product style has been changed you might also notice that the size of the design has automatically changed let’s fix that by increasing the size of the design next to add the color to our product select your desired color from
here I’m going to select black now our product looks perfect next click on this for more customization options here you can select the categories in which you want your product to be listed on and then set your commission rates I’ll select the categories for my product now for the commission part as you can see red bubble already provides the pricing for each product here you can decide how much commission you want to earn from each sale for example I’m going to enter 30% for the T-shirt just keep in mind that the
higher the commission the higher the price of the product will be so think carefully about the commission you add to each product once you set it up click on apply changes and now your design is added to the product with the commission that you selected next we need to enter some details about the product you can either write the title and description manually or you can use an AI tool to create the perfect title and description for your product so that it stands out in the store to do that just click the
link in the description below and you’ll be taken to this page now we need to enter our design idea here you can use use the prompt you generated earlier to describe the design so let’s head back to the prompt page and copy The Prompt we generated now paste it here once done click create content and you can see you will get this tailed made title description and tags for your product now we can use this to fill out the details for our product so let’s copy and paste them one by one in the same way I’ll enter all the
necessary details for the product once you’re done scroll down now here we need to select the media category so I’ll go with design and painting and here you need to specify if your design contains mature content since it doesn’t I’m going to select no finally agree to the terms by checking this box and then click on Save work and our product is successfully created as you can see all the collections we selected for this design have been added to our red bubble shop now that we successfully created
our product let’s go to the third step which is to set up our store to do that click on return to dashboard you’ll see the setup shop section which will guide you through all the required steps to set up your shop so so let’s go through each step one by one first we’ll add a profile picture to our store to do that click on the add profile picture button now click on choose file and select a shop profile picture from your computer I’ll select this one and click open then click upload and our profile picture will be
successfully added next let’s go ahead and add a cover image like this in the cover image section click on choose file select your cover image and click upload and your cover image has been uploaded let’s now scroll down to add some more details I’m going to add my first name and the last name here next you can add a brief buyer for your shop because this will help the visitors know a little bit more about what we offer once you’re done scroll down and click save changes and our changes will be saved
now our shop is successfully set up and is ready for business so when a visitor visits red bubble they can search for your store by name like Brian fashion they’ll find your store and when they click on view shop they’ll see your color image profile photo and all the products that you sell so that’s how you can set up your store now that our products are added and the store is set up properly let’s move on to the final step which is to set up the payment method so we can start receiving payments to do that go

to your dashboard and click on add your name and address now enter your details like street address postal code State and Country once you’re done if you scroll down you will see the payment currency option click on the drop- down and select your preferred currency I’m going to choose USD now for receiving payments you can choose between PayPal or direct bank deposit to send money directly to your bank account so I’m going to select deposit to PayPal account as you can see we need to verify our PayPal account
first so just click on connect with PayPal and you’ll be directed to the PayPal’s login page enter your email click next add in your password and then login next click the agree and connect button and your Paypal payment details will be updated now let’s verify our phone number scroll to the phone number section enter your details and click Send code you will get an SMS verification code to your mobile just type it in and click submit and finally click save changes once verified you’re all set to
start selling on red bubble next let’s head back to our dashboard and as you can see we’ve finished setting up our store and the payment method keep in mind it’ll take about 5 days for the account to be fully verified and that’s how you can set up your store and start selling your designs now that our store is live and the payment method is all set let’s see how a customer can buy a product and how you’ll receive your commission if they like a product from your store they’ll click on it choose its
style color and size and then add it to their card and when they click on view card they will be able to view the products from the card they can review the product details and shipping charges to purchase they’ll click on check out enter the delivery information proceed to payment add the payment details and click on pay to place the order once an order is made red bubble handles everything processing the order printing the design and managing the delivery the customer receives the product on the estimated delivery date
and regarding your earnings red bubble sends the payout to your Paypal accaccount 5 days after the order is completed and that’s how you receive the payment for your designs so now you set up everything to start earning from your designs so that’s it guys this is how you can create amazing t-shirt designs set up your online store and start earning money by selling your designs on red bubble and that’s how you can easily earn $1,000 a month by selling designs online in fact here’s the proof this
user has already set up their red bubble store and is consistently earning money from their designs the best part is it’s all passive income once everything is set up dread bubble handles the printing packaging and the shipping while you focus on creating more designs and growing your shop if you found this video helpful don’t forget to hit that like button and subscribe to website learners for more tips on how to make money online also if you have any questions or need any further clarification feel free to leave a
comment below and I’ll be happy to help I’ll see you in the next video Until then take care bye-bye oh